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The Birth of Bhodi Rain


Updated: Nov 18, 2021

On the day that you were born the angels got together and decided to create a dream come true 💫

How are you a week old already 😍😩

My birth was an amazing experience, I was booked in for an elective c section on the 24th of June (4 days before his due date)

The whole way through my pregnancy I was having nightmares that something was going to go wrong in labour and it was affecting my mental health massively, so my consultant decided a c section would be best for me and I agreed. In the 8 years it took to become pregnant with him I felt like I hadn’t been in control of a single part of my fertility journey, but I was so happy I now, had some sort of control over the birth. 🙌🏻

When my waters went, I went into a bit of a panic but then I started playing @thismumhypnobirthing positive affirmations and using the breathing techniques that Stevie taught me to calm my nerves…it really worked. 🥰

Going down to theatre I was shaking like a leaf half with excitement half with nerves, I was still expecting them to say “I’m sorry” at the end and for me not to get my baby 😥

Getting the spinal was the most nerve wracking part of it, but again I used @thismumhypnobirthing breathing techniques and I didn’t even flinch getting it! I honestly can’t believe how much our breathing helps us…and not just to live 😂

Stevie encouraged me to make a birth plan that I was happy with and made me feel empowered enough to say “I want” and get it!

One of the things I asked for was a gentle section, so the baby comes out much slower, we lowered the drapes to watch him being born and it was honestly the most calm and beautiful experience of my entire life (I’m crying again now just thinking about it) 😭

We got to record the whole thing…dying to post it, I might one day 🥰😂

I might of had the toughest journey to get my boy but I’m so glad I had the best birth experience ☺️

Happy one week old, my whole universe 💙 Bodhi Rain 💙

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